It’s Official:
Terri Manduca has closed its’ doors!
After 34 years of being an agent, the time has come for me to hang up my gloves and to retire!
The journey has been amazing, and I have been incredibly fortunate to represent so many very talented and creative artists.
A huge thank you to all my artists and clients for all you support over the years.
I have loved every minute and I will treasure the many lifelong friends I have made along the way.
Terri Manduca - 07785 790 368
- David Ellis - 07971 185 525
- Dean Freeman - 07768 696 669
- Dimitri Daniloff - 00 34 6 2865 5522
- Hanspeter Schneider - 00 41 79 669 3988
- Mitch Jenkins - 07831 558 670
- Sam Barker - 07971 384 946
- Scott Grummett- 07929 188 074
- Uli Weber- 07973 377 593
- Emma Tunbridge - 07730 553 990
- Jorgen Ahlstrom - 00 46 708 112 110
- Lizzy Rose-Clough - 07515 008 251
- Piotr Gregorczyk - 07743 770 380
Style Division
- Celine Nonon - 07973 253 063
- Desmond Grundy - 07909 345 675
- John Christopher - 07545 249 395
- Neusa Neves - 07973 491 415
- Nicky Tavilla - 07810 125 771
- Simon Maynard - 07966 161 770
- Crystal McClory- 07958 360 392
- Georgina Hudson - 07974 834 086